Titel | Förderung | Start | Ende |
Mobilitätsforschung (mobility solutions) für BMW-Group: Entwicklung und Anwendung eines Smart Urban Index (SUI) | BMW-Group |
2019 |
2021 |
Mobilitätsforschung (mobility solutions) für BMW-Group: Klassifizierung und Einteilung der Nutzungsmuster von Pkw | BMW-Group |
2019 |
2020 |
Mobilitätsforschung (mobility solutions) für BMW-Group: Weiterentwicklung des Urban Travel Monitors als Online-Mobilitätserhebung mit Pretest in München | BMW-Group |
2019 |
2020 |
Empirische Nachfragedaten für einen Urban Travel Monitor | Bayerische Motorenwerke AG |
2016 |
2018 |
Mobilitätsforschung (mobility solutions) für BMW-Group: Potenziale innovativer ODM-Mobilitätsdienstleistungen in Form von Robo-Shuttles | BMW-Group |
2015 |
2019 |
Mobilitätsforschung (mobility solutions) für BMW-Group: Das Mobilitätsskelett | BMW-Group |
2015 |
laufend |
Hoch hinaus in Baden-Württemberg | Ministerium für Verkehr Baden-Württemberg |
2015 |
2017 |
Behren, S. von; Puhe, M.; Magdolen, M. (2024). Social aspects of long-distance travel - a study of two survey designs. Transportation Research Procedia, 76, 361–372. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2023.12.061
Behren, S. von; Chlond, B.; Barthelmes, L.; Heinze, A.; Vortisch, P. (2024). Mixed-method approach to compare travel surveys as preliminary work for individual matching. Transportation Research Procedia, 76, 429–444. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2023.12.066
Bönisch, L.; Behren, S. von; Chlond, B.; Vortisch, P. (2024). Home Deliveries and Their Impacts on Travel: Capturing Shopping Behavior and Attitudes towards Shopping in a Travel Behavior Skeleton Approach. Transportation Research Procedia, 76, 409–428. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2023.12.065
Kagerbauer, M.; Wilkes, G.; Behren, S. von; Stark, J. (2024). Time Use during Activities and Trips – Potentials for Analyzing Future Travel and Activity Behavior. Transportation Research Procedia, 76, 222–232. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2024.01.035
Magdolen, M.; Behren, S. von; Vallee, J.; Chlond, B.; Vortisch, P. (2024). Response bias in Likert-style psychological items – an example from a large-scale travel survey in China. Transportation Research Procedia, 76, 349–360. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2023.12.060
Barthelmes, L.; Behren, S. von; Magdolen, M.; Soylu, T.; Chlond, B.; Kagerbauer, M. (2023). Insights into public transit use in Berlin – The role of autonomy and public transit privacy. 7th World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering - Architecture - Urban Planning Symposium WMCAUS 2022, Article no: 190002, AIP Publishing. doi:10.1063/5.0170513
Behren, S. von; Turek, M.; Barthelmes, L.; Scholta, H.; Hansen, F.; Kagerbauer, M.; Eisenmann, C. (2023). Decoding Urban Archetypes: Exploring Mobility-Related Homogeneity among Cities. Sustainability, 15 (19), Article no: 14231. doi:10.3390/su151914231
Behren, S. von; Chlond, B.; Vortisch, P. (2022). Exploring the role of individuals’ attitudes in the use of on-demand mobility services for commuting – A case study in eight Chinese cities. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, 11 (2), 229–242. doi:10.1016/j.ijtst.2021.03.008
Behren, S. von. (2022). Das Mobilitätsskelett – ein integrativer Ansatz zur mehrdimensionalen Betrachtung von urbaner Mobilität. Dissertation. KIT Scientific Publishing. doi:10.5445/KSP/1000150513
Magdolen, M.; Behren, S. von; Chlond, B.; Vortisch, P. (2022). Long-distance travel in tension with everyday mobility of urbanites – A classification of leisure travellers. Travel behaviour and society, 26, 290–300. doi:10.1016/j.tbs.2021.10.010
Behren, S. von; Bönisch, L.; Vallée, J.; Vortisch, P. (2021). Classifying Car Owners in Latent Psychographic Profiles. Transportation research record, 2675 (7), 142–152. doi:10.1177/0361198121994839
Bönisch, L.; Behren, S. von; Chlond, B.; Vortisch, P. (2021). Insights into shopping travel behavior: latent classes in relation to attitudes towards shopping. European transport research review, 13, Article: 35. doi:10.1186/s12544-021-00492-4
Magdolen, M.; Behren, S. von; Burger, L.; Chlond, B. (2021). Mobility Styles and Car Ownership - Potentials for a Sustainable Urban Transport. Sustainability, 13 (5), Article: 2968. doi:10.3390/su13052968
Niklas, U.; Magdolen, M.; Behren, S. von; Vortisch, P. (2021). Identifying Trip Purposes on Trip Level for Vehicle Sensor Data. 100th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January 05 - 29, 2021.
Behren, S. von; Bönisch, L.; Niklas, U.; Chlond, B. (2020). Revealing Motives for Car Use in Modern Cities - A Case Study from Berlin and San Francisco. Sustainability, 12 (13), Article: 5254. doi:10.3390/su12135254
Behren, S. von; Bönisch, L.; Niklas, U.; Chlond, B. (2020). Linking Individuals’ Affective and Instrumental Motives to Their Car Use: An Application of an Integrated Choice and Latent Variable Model. 99th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January 12 - 16, 2020.
Behren, S. von; Hilgert, T.; Kirchner, S.; Chlond, B.; Vortisch, P. (2020). Image-based activity pattern segmentation using longitudinal data of the German Mobility Panel. Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives, 8, Art.-Nr. 100264. doi:10.1016/j.trip.2020.100264
Behren, S. von; Kirn, M.; Heilig, M.; Bönisch, L.; Chlond, B.; Vortisch, P. (2020). The role of attitudes in on-demand mobility usage - an example from Shanghai. Mapping the Travel Behavior Genome, 103–124, Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-817340-4.00007-3
Behren, S. von; Schubert, R.; Chlond, B. (2020). International comparison of psychological factors and their influence on travel behavior in hybrid cities. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 36, Art.Nr. 100497. doi:10.1016/j.rtbm.2020.100497
Behren, S. von; Wolfram, J.; Vortisch, P. (2020). Travel Mode Attitudes and Their Influence on the Use of On-Demand Mobility for Commuting: A Case Study in Eight Chinese Cities. TRB 99th Annual Meeting - January 12 - 16, 2020, Washington D.C.
Bönisch, L.; Behren, S. von; Chlond, B.; Vortisch, P. (2020). Modification of Travel Behavior by E-Commerce? Capturing Relevant Factors by an Adapted Survey Approach Based on Previous Research. 99th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January 12 - 16, 2020.
Kostorz, N.; Behren, S. von; Kagerbauer, M.; Vortisch, P. (2020). Examining the Acceptance for Autonomous Transit Feeders Using a Hybrid Choice Model. Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems FISTS, Delft, 03.11.2020 - 05.11.2020, 149–155, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/FISTS46898.2020.9264868
Magdolen, M.; Behren, S. von; Chlond, B.; Vortisch, P. (2020). Traveling Long-Distance with Bad Conscience? Discrepancies Between Everyday and Long-Distance Travel of Urbanites. 99th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January 12 - 16, 2020.
Magdolen, M.; Behren, S. von; Hobusch, J.; Chlond, B.; Vortisch, P. (2020). Comparison of Response Bias in an Intercultural Context – Evaluation of Psychological Items in Travel Behavior Research. Transportation Research Procedia, 48, 2891–2905. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2020.08.231
Magdolen, M.; Wörle, T.; Hilgert, T.; Behren, S. von. (2020). Influences of Norm and Excitement on Bike Use Behavior of High-Income People in China. 99th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., January 12 - 16, 2020.
Niklas, U.; Behren, S. von; Chlond, B.; Vortisch, P. (2020). Electric Factor - A Comparison of Car Usage Profiles of Electric and Conventional Vehicles by a Probabilistic Approach. World electric vehicle journal, 11 (2), 36. doi:10.3390/wevj11020036
Niklas, U.; Behren, S. von; Soylu, T.; Kopp, J.; Chlond, B.; Vortisch, P. (2020). Spatial Factor - Using a Random Forest Classification Model to Measure an Internationally Comparable Urbanity Index. Urban science, 4 (3), 36. doi:10.3390/urbansci4030036
Magdolen, M.; Behren, S. von; Chlond, B.; Hunecke, M.; Vortisch, P. (2019). Combining attitudes and travel behavior - A comparison of urban mobility types identified in Shanghai, Berlin and San Francisco. TRB 98th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers - January 13 - 17, 2019, Washington, D.C.
Niklas, U.; Behren, S. von; Eisenmann, C.; Chlond, B.; Vortisch, P. (2019). Premium factor – Analyzing usage of premium cars compared to conventional cars. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 33, Art.Nr. 100456. doi:10.1016/j.rtbm.2020.100456
Behren, S. von; Heilig, M.; Bönisch, L.; Chlond, B.; Vortisch, P. (2018). How Attitudes Effect On-Demand Mobility Usage – an Example from China. 15th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research: Mobility-as-a-Service Workshop. Ed.: International Association for Travel Behaviour Research.
Behren, S. von; Minster, C.; Esch, J.; Hunecke, M.; Vortisch, P.; Chlond, B. (2018). Assessing car dependence: Development of a comprehensive survey approach based on the concept of a travel skeleton. Transportation Research Procedia, 32, 607–616. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2018.10.015
Behren, S. von; Minster, C.; Magdolen, M.; Chlond, B.; Hunecke, M.; Vortisch, P. (2018). Bringing travel behavior and attitudes together: An integrated survey approach for clustering urban mobility types. TRB 97th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers. Ed.: Transportation Research Board, Art.-Nr. 18–04546.
Behren, S. von; Puhe, M.; Chlond, B. (2018). Office relocation and changes in travel behavior: Capturing the effects including the adaptation phase. Transportation Research Procedia, 32, 573–584. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2018.10.021
Hilgert, T.; Behren, S. von; Eisenmann, C.; Vortisch, P. (2018). Are Activity Patterns Stable or Variable? Analysis of Three-Year Panel Data. Transportation research record, 2672 (47), 46–56. doi:10.1177/0361198118773557
Behren, S. von; Puhe, M.; Chlond, B. (2017). Assessing the impacts of office relocations on travel behavior and organization of activities within households. TRB 96th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers. Ed.: Transportation Research Board, Art.-Nr.: 17–04177.
Hilgert, T.; Behren, S. von; Kostorz, N.; Kagerbauer, M.; Vortisch, P. (2017). Does Travel Behavior of People using Mobility-Apps differ? Findings from a Market Analysis in Germany. 11th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods: Proceedings, International Steering Committee for Travel Survey Conferences.
Reichenbach, M.; Puhe, M.; Soylu, T.; Behren, S. von; Chlond, B. (2017). Urbane Seilbahnen in Baden-Württemberg: Explorative Analyse von Bürgersicht, Expertenmeinungen und Planungshürden. Arbeitsbericht Nr.2 zum Projekt ’Hoch hinaus in Baden-Würtemberg: Machbarkeit, Chancen und Hemmnisse urbaner Luftseilbahnen in Baden-Württemberg’. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT).
Behren, S. von; Puhe, M.; Chlond, B. (2016). Vom Wald in die Stadt. Die Auswirkungen des ITAS-Umzugs in die Karlsruher Innenstadt auf die Mobilität der Mitarbeitenden. Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis, 25 (3), 58–61. doi:10.14512/tatup.25.3.58
Minster, C.; Chlond, B.; Behren, S. von; Hunecke, M. (2016). Car Dependency: Assessing Its Subjective And Objective Components. Swiss Mobility Conference (2017), Lausanne, Schweiz, 20.–21. Oktober 2016.