DiaMANT - Dialog für automatisierte, vernetzte und elektrische Mobilität: Anwendungen - Nutzerinteressen - Technik

  • contact:

    Dr.-Ing. Martin Kagerbauer
    M.Sc. Tim Wörle
    Nadine Kostorz, M.Sc.

  • funding:

    Ministerium für Verkehr des Landes Baden-Württemberg

  • partner:

    Stadt Ludwigsburg
    Wirtschaftsförderung Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart
    Forschungsinstitut für Kraftfahrwesen und Fahrzeugmotoren Stuttgart (FKFS)
    Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG (SSB)
    e-mobil BW GmbH
    Technische Akademie Schwäbisch Gmünd e. V.
    Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen e. V.

  • start:


  • end:


The project DiaMANT has two main goals in the light of automatized, inter-connected, electric driving: on the one hand, to present the current state of technical development to the interested public and on the other hand to enhance these developments through selected measures.

In a roadshow, key aspects of the new technology are presented to the interested public in a mobile education center. This is to spark an intense discussion on chances and risks auf automated driving and enhance awareness for the current state of technology. Another working package of the project examines the economic optimization potentials through automation at the example of traffic in a bus depot. It was assumed that busses would move automatically from their parking position through a car wash during night shifts. This, however, was not put into practice due to uncertainties concerning the composition of the future bus fleet. Within the final work package, a pilot is deployed in which people get the opportunity to interact with automated vehicles using an automatized public transport shuttle to the railway station in Ludwigsburg. The demonstration pilot serves to extend the knowledge base of the operating company as well as to give users a hands-on experience of the benefits of the new technology and thus increase acceptance.

The Institute for Transport Studies (IfV) examines the acceptance of automated vehicles by surveying users and visitors of the Roadshow and the demonstration pilot. Also, the demonstration pilot will be simulated within different settings.